final major project
today was spent at college! there was absolutely no one there. we had to had in our film review (nothing to do with fmp) and we had a studio meeting about our fmp work in progress presentations. mine will take place next tuesday (8th). we need to prepare an a4 sheet with a summary as to where we have got to at this point in time, and question that you need to ask yourself but also your peer group about how to move forward in the project. it will be a good task to do, to get constructive critical feedback and to evaluate my progress even more.
i was quite pleased to have come in as i received a lot of contact time with tutors: first with ed and then with john. it really reassured me that im heading down the right path. ed was talking to me about a book called “metaphors we live by” by george lakoff. its based on societies and rules so i really should try and find it! he also talked to me about a pop song that used to be on the radio about someone giving advice. it was done by the director (of romeo and juliet, moulin rouge!) and actor Baz Luhrmann - Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen). this week i should look more into personal anecdotes, primarily what i would advise myself to do, BEFORE i start doing the questionnaires.
with john we were talking about my research. i didnt have my sketchbooks with me but he was insisting that i need to keep everything VISUAL, and that its “really useful to be doing as you’re thinking. by doing you are pushing thinking”. the conversation became quite comical when we were talking about how i am creating my own rules to be cautious about, and how i want to stay fine and controlled in my project (by having clear out comes of what i want to achieve each day as im worried i might not pass). i suggested not handing in any work, (as that would be my cautionary tale) ultimately leading in me failing my fmp, by internally succeeding!!
cautionary tale for myself: if you dont do any work, you will fail!
i then questioned whether its okay to document exhibitions i had been to which dont necessarily have any connections to my theme. he said that its good to see as much as you can, instead of actual subject matter, shapes or forms could remind you of something. he commented on how i am setting myself rules, by doing “this, this and this, it’s the things that happen between the rules that are most interesting and most exciting. you can’t control what you are looking for. allow yourself to collect!”
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