
# 31

chelsea foundation show, camberwell foundation show, camp, hayward gallery

from thursday i am officially on my summer break!

here are some photos of my work that was displayed at the chelsea show. it was lovely to see how they work worked so well together, but i was disappointed in the amount of work that was shown. after seeing the st martins show a few days before (and after having waited an hour to get in...), i was stunned by the fact that most students had a whole pillar to themselves (composed of sketches, work in progress, and sketchbooks). by just showing the final pieces (at chelsea) i felt that it didnt represent the students well enough. oh well.

the other show that i was invited to was camberwells which was quite a trek to get to! heres the final piece by a good friend of mine, andrea shortell. she was exploring different ways of mapping and documenting different information. her final piece was her documentation of her breakfasts:

on thursday i decided to go to c.a.m.p (city arts and music project) to see the SWEET exhibition. it was a playful collaborative group exhibition which incorporated moving image and illustration (hand drawn). it was really cheery, colourful and fun. and there were goodie bags! the artists featured were a mixture of london and leeds based artists: oliver dunn, lynnie zulu, sam szulc, matt lloyd, john malcolm moore and stephany pollard. here are a few pictures of the window display

some photos to the hayward gallery british art show 7: in the days of the comet, curated by lisa le feuvre and tom morton. its travelling next to glasgow and plymouth.

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